Novi The Ghost Of You Lyrics

Novi The Ghost Of You Lyrics

‏the midnight winds are cold but still call your name
‏I chase the fading stars though nothing feels the same
‏your memory pulls me like a tide / can’t resist
‏a distant light I reach for but can never care
‏the ghost of you

‏lingers in the night still air
‏though time may change my heart remains forever there
‏bound to a love that spans the depths of space and time
‏a flame that burns undimmed by sorrow silent rhyme
‏the ghost of you

‏We parted like the dusk that fades before the dawn
‏words unspoken drift like stars whose light is gone
‏Your gaze once warm is now a chill I can’t deny
‏you thought my heart had dance beneath another sky
‏the ghost of you

‏twirls beneath the moon’s soft glow
‏a whisper bound now lost at times relentless flow
‏though I am drifting lost upon this endless sea
‏your love remains a lighthouse guiding back to me
‏the ghost of you

‏if fate is kind maybe one day we’ll rise again
‏to mend the seams of love the broken endless pain
‏but till that time I wander in the twilight’s gleam
‏your ghost my guide the keeper of a shattered dream
‏the ghost of you

‏haunts the corridors of my dreams
‏a Fleeting Touch a song that’s lost in silent streams
‏I call the winds to guide you back across the sea
‏yet still I ache for love that fades eternally
‏still I long for you beneath the stars embrace
‏In whispered prayers my heart will find its final place
‏I yearn for moments woven in our lost delight
‏your ghost blind my soul throughout the endless night
‏the ghost of you